Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Its a new dawn, its a new day, and I'm feeling...good.

Yay! Its done Finally! The shop for R&K Crafts is finally launched on Etsy. https://www.etsy.com/shop/jenncahoon

A little sample of what you'll see and what I hope you'll be eager to buy or suggest to friends!
Wreaths!!! You know I love my wreath making!

LOL! If I am this excited for Summer crafts-- well I'll be nearly uncontrollable come Halloween!
Oh, its not just wreaths. I have some smaller and unexpected crafts
being premiered! 
 So, come on by! I am very excited and hugely hopeful that it will be a success. I have so many more things in the craft room coming together and getting ready for their photo shoot! ...and yes, I absolutely am fighting the urge to buy lots of Halloween stuff, like, right now! 

I hope you like the shop and the crafts.

Saturday, April 23, 2011

The Sympathy Flower Arrangement by R & K Crafts

Sizzix "Flower Layers #2" Die
Here it is everyone!!! Very excited. I took all the sympathy cards you've sent me and instead of just locking them away in a photo box or album-- I die cut them into flower shapes and made a bouquet that will never wilt and never die!

Sizzix "Build a Lilac" Die

Sizzix "Flower Layers" Die
After each card was cut into a flower shape
(with the help of the best 40 bucks- I ever spent a.k.a with my Sizzix BIG Kick). I took each flower and hole punched the center with a small hole puncher. Then I used various colored brads to connect the flower 'petals'. Then I stripped some silk flowers off of their faux branches (I have lots of spare silk flowers floating around the craft room, ya know!) Then I simply took one of the many gorgeous vases I received from the many flower arrangements people very thoughtfully sent me [in this case; the lovely white vase with a silver cross that Ms. Meaghan Menice, my "Kendra". Thanks, Kendra!] and started to arrange the faux branches into some dry floral foam. 3 hours later and many, many private moments with my beloved and always faithful hot glue gun... I created this!

Ta-da! I am so excited that this really grew into exactly what I envisioned.
I really wanted to immortalize all the warm and wonderful expressions of love
and sympathy that my friends and family sent me & to creat a bouquet
of flowers that will sit with my mother's frame/urn on our mantel. I am over the moon with how well this turned out!She now has a gorgeous flower arrangement that will never wilt and never die- just like our love for her.

Thank you for all the cards and the support! I am
forever grateful to you for it all. I hope you enjoy
the flowers as much I enjoyed making the project.

Thursday, April 21, 2011

The desk!!! Before and After

So, the day I 'discovered' this desk on Craigslist; I was so excited by its potential that I actually broke family chain of command and went right to my father in law and begged him to take his truck to get me that desk!!! So, here its folks:


Needs some TLC; but it was love at first sight!

A little paint and lots of sweet words of encouragement later...

...and she set up beautifully. Here's to
R& K Crafts!!!!

Friday, April 15, 2011

Still setting up!

In the last few weeks, I've had a really intense journey of setting up my craft room, plotting my Etsy launch, and dealing with my mother's untimely departure from my world. As many of you know my Mum, passed away on April 1st and I being an only child had alot to cope with, in addition to the loss of my beloved mother, I had to exact her funeral wishes and then organize her memorial of photos and music for her service. All those creative art projects that I undertook really helped me cope and helped me enable my enormous family and my and her group of friends find some closure during this hard time.
I am definitely around. I am working and doing well (as she always raised me to take the knock down, but you gotta get up, dust off, and keep going). I know she is really proud to see me miss her greatly, but yet demonstarte her masterful upbringing by not being 'completely lost and devastated' by her passing. It also helps that I have faith...I'm definitely going to see her again. I just know it.
I am still planning to post before and after photos of my fabulous work table find from Craigslist and to show you all a very special way that I am turning all your heart felt and warm sympathy cards into flowers! Thats right, I am die cutting each card into a flower arrangement! I think its a great way to immortalize your love to me and her and also for me to decorate the mantel where her ashes are to be kept with flowers that will never wilt and never die, just like our love for her. So stay tuned...

Monday, March 28, 2011

A Diamond in the Stuff: Thrifty Thursday

This evening, I am working on my "must have" "wish list" so I can get what I need to feel equipped to launch: R&K Crafts! Of course, I couldn't agree with Courtney more. Ornate frames...when ever you come across them are a must grab-- no matter how many you have at home. A Diamond in the Stuff: Thrifty Thursday: "It's been raining here like crazy so I haven't really had much chance to go thrifting. With all the rain all I really want to do is cud..."

Sunday, March 27, 2011

Decoupage votives!

Summer is in the air (well, maybe not yet) ...  but, give these a shot anyway.

Amazing Urban Quilts by Amy Ahlstrom

These aren't your "grandmother's" quilts. I love quilts. I don't own a single one because on a trip to Pennsylvania , I discovered the Amish roll like a street gang, shaking ppl down with those prices! What in the name of Jebadiah are they spending all that cash on? They have no electricity, the gas crisis isn't really a concern, the children aren't begging for only this seasons Abercrombie. Its crazy. But, I'd buy one of these. They are very stylish.
Amazing Urban Quilts by Amy Ahlstrom

Saturday, March 26, 2011

Great idea to UPcycle soda bottles.

My little girl would love a shot at an afternoon of making these: any thing with glitter and Mumma is a winning combination! I should soak that up before it wears off! LOL!

CLICK the link:

I think that's Martha's address!!!

Let's take a minute to have a humorous post. A post that will solidify for you how serious I am about the 'craft game' LOL. **obviously ##s have been changed to protect Public Figures who can sue me!**

This morning: called ING savings to reset my PIN #  (again!!!)

Act 1:
Leading up to customer service call:
tried to reset PIN via online with my email and those cute little security questions that ING savings makes up on their own from what ever government file they have access to on your 'background'

It asked me 2 questions.
1. which of these addresses (business or residential) have you been associated with?
A. 578 Park Street (nope, although: I am sure this has something to do with being Bostonian)
B. 9 Elm Way (No, this one isn't even creative. Come on ING!)
C. 41 Turkey Hill RD (Huh? No. But, Turkey Hill does RING a HUGE bell!)
D. 65 Stewart Street (LOL. Makes me think of Martha! LOL. Wait. A minute...)
E. None of the above (I picked this one, cause I've never lived or worked at any of the above)

Second Question:
Not really relevant-- I did get it correct, because it was an easy one. In fact, the idiot who tries to steal my identity... will succeed based on the ease of this 'security question' alone!

Welp, turns out I got the 1st question WRONG. ING feels I do know one of those addresses and I'm still thinking no I don't! So, I have to call 1-888-ING-FIX-IT (totally made up number, don't call it. Its probably not child or christian appropriate when really called)

While waiting to speak with Darlene, a wonderful Southern belle, who made me think of that TV show "Out Sourced"> It dawns on me TURKEY HILL. TURKEY HILL!!! OMG. Turkey Hill is the name of Martha Stewart's farm. I am willing to bet those creepy security ppl over at ING meant for me to pick C!!! Because I am well, not so secretly, in love with Marty!!!

Hahaha. So, when rehashing the story to 'Darlene'. I tell her my question #1 dilemma. I really have never worked nor lived at any of those addresses!!! But, I tell her, "I think C. is the address of Martha Stewart's farm. And I know this because I love Martha and I would know that somewhere in my mind-- psst. with far more precedence over remembering my PIN number".

Darlene agreed this is obviously a sign, not only that I need my ING savings PIN reset, but also that The Accidental Artist and R&K Crafts on Etsy will be a huge success. Who knows, maybe even prison sentence at Camp Cupcake HUGE!!!!

Happy Weekend,